The derogation remains an important mechanism for many farmers and we welcome the application window opening on time, but multi-year application windows remain a key ask for us.
If granted, the derogation allows farm business to use a higher limit of up to 250kg of nitrogen per hectare providing the nitrogen comes from grazing livestock manure. Read the full Defra guidance at: .
NFU Dairy Board chair Paul Tompkins said the NVZ grassland derogation is a “critical tool” which enables applicants to continue operating viable businesses and plan for the year ahead.
“ʼһcontinues to lobby for multi-year derogations to be introduced to reflect the long-term nature of dairy and livestock farming and nutrient management planning and to reduce the administrative burden and provide producers with the confidence to plan for their business,” he added.
Making an application
Applications should be made by 31 December 2024 by telephoning the EA (Environment Agency) on 03708 506 506 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm) or emailing: [email protected].
Successful applicants will be notified by the EA.
To supply the necessary information, it is recommended to use the following guidance: .
Who is eligible for a derogation?
You can apply for a grassland derogation to use a higher limit of up to 250kg of nitrogen per hectare, if the nitrogen comes from grazing livestock manure. Grazing livestock include:
- cattle (except for veal calves)
- sheep
- deer
- goats
- horses
- manure from veal calves, pigs or poultry is not eligible for a derogation and is subject to the 170kg/ha limit.
You can only apply for a derogation if at least 80% of the agricultural area of your holding is grass. The agricultural area is the part of your holding you use for agricultural purposes.
Find out more at: .
to check whether your land is within an NVZ.
Unsuccessful applications
If you do not meet the eligibility criteria or do not apply within the specified dates, your application may be refused.
If you had a derogation during a previous year but did not follow all the conditions for that derogation the EA may also refuse to grant you one.
HRA assessments
If your farm falls within or is near a European site designated under the Habitats Regulations the EA is required to carry out a HRA (Habitats Regulations Assessment). This includes where your farm is within the catchment of a European site that is in unfavourable conservation status due to nutrient pollution.
If your farm is determined to meet these criteria an will be undertaken and may involve consultation with Natural England. If the HRA shows that granting a derogation would have an adverse effect on a European site your application may be declined.
How to appeal if your application is refused
You can appeal within 30 days of your application being refused. An independent panel will consider your appeal.
Derogation conditions
If granted you must meet all the conditions of your derogation and follow the rules that apply when using nitrogen fertilisers and storing organic manures in NVZs.