Get to know the many conference chairs, speakers, coordinators and mentors from across the industry who are taking part in NFU Conference 2023.
Click on their profile to read their full biography.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | O | R | S | T | W
Lee Abbey
Chief adviser (Crop and plant production)
He works closely with the national boards for Horticulture & Potatoes and Combinable Crops to develop and deliver their key strategic aims.
David Barton
NFU Livestock Board chair
Cereals grown on the farm are also used to feed his stock, allowing David to use the two businesses to support each other and provide sustainable produce. He also has a very small flock of pedigree poll Dorset sheep.
He has also previously stood as the NFU South West Livestock Board chair and has worked with AHDB as a strategic farm to improve profitability and efficiency.
Minette Batters
NFU President | 2018 – 2024
Diversification includes the conversion of a 17th century tithe barn into a wedding and corporate events venue, and horse liveries. Minette co-founded the campaigning initiatives 'Ladies in Beef' and the 'Great British Beef Week'.
Campaigning on behalf of NFU members about the importance of British food and farming has been a key driver for Minette throughout her time at the NFU. In 2020 she led one of the most successful petitions ever, bringing together a coalition of chefs, including Jamie Oliver, farmers, environmentalists, consumer groups and animal welfare experts – resulting in over one million people signing the NFU food standards petition. She has also regularly engaged with different media genres including appearances on Desert Island Discs, Question Time, and Any Questions.
She has been an NFU member from grassroots through to County Chair; she served as Wiltshire’s Council delegate and also as Regional Board Chair for the South West. Minette has also been a member of NFU Governance Board and served as NFU Deputy President for four years from 2014 to 2018, before being elected as president in February 2018. Minette is also an ambassador of Farm Africa and was made a Deputy Lieutenant to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in 2021.
Officeholder responsibilities
- Trade and standards
- EU and international relations
- Taxation and fiscal policy
- Science and research and development
- Food supply chain (fair dealing, Markets and Authorities, competition, regulation)
- Food service
- Levelling up
- Education
Tom Bradshaw
NFU President
The home farm is based around arable production but has also diversified into equestrian and renewables.
Tom has represented the NFU from Local Branch Chairman through to Chair of the National Combinable Crops Board.
Tom was elected to the position of NFU President in February 2024.
- Animal health and welfare incl. bTB
- Trade and standards
- Climate, energy and net zero
- Food supply chain (fair dealing, mergers and acquisitions, competition, regulation)
- Animal ID and movements
- Assurance review
- Taxation and fiscal policy
- Immigration
The Rt Hon Dr Thérèse Coffey MP
MP for Suffolk Coastal
She was previously Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, and Deputy Prime Minister, between 6 September 2022 and 25 October 2022.
Ms Coffey was also Secretary of State at the Department for Work and Pensions between 8 September 2019 and 6 September 2022 and Minister of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs between 25 July 2019 and 8 September 2019.
She was Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs from 17 July 2016 to 25 July 2019. She was elected the Conservative MP for Suffolk Coastal in May 2010.
Matt Culley
NFU Combinable Crops Board member, regional chair (South)
Wheat is grown for the feed market, with a small area grown for seed. Winter barley is feed and spring barley is for malting. The farming partnership also runs a grain storage business with drying facilities and a soft fruit enterprise.
Matt served as NFU Combinable Crops Board chair from 2020-2024.
Martin Emmett
NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board chair
He is a director of Tristram Plants, part of the Farplants co-operative which grows and markets over 2000 plant varieties and generates more than £50 million annual sales through retail.
David Exwood
NFU Deputy President
David farms south of Horsham in West Sussex with his wife and two sons over 1200 tenanted hectares in the heart of the Sussex Weald.
Starting in 1989 with 70ha the business now has arable, dairy beef, Sussex suckler herd and sheep enterprises. In 2003 the Farm Shop opened and sells a wide range of food from the Victorian stable yard at Westons.
He has served previously within the NFU as Branch Chair, West Sussex Council Delegate, South East Regional Chair as well as four years on Governance Board.
David was elected to the position of NFU Deputy President in February 2024.
- EU and international relations
- Banking
- Biodiversity
- Food labelling
- Food safety
- Food service and hospitality
- Agricultural transition (productivity, ELMs, stability)
- Plant health
- Assurance schemes
- British Agriculture Bureau
- Health, safety and wellbeing
- Agricultural transport
- Uplands
- Tenants
Richard Findlay
NFU Livestock Board chair (2018-2024)
He has 2000 acres of moorland in a HLS agreement and the farm is stocked with mainly Easycare ewes as well as pedigree flocks of Beltex and Suffolks.
He is director of the “7 Hill Farmers Ltd” producer group and has been NFU Livestock Board chair since March 2018.
Amy Fry
Chief adviser (food business unit), National Farmers’ Union
The role of the food business unit is to raise the profile and the voice of NFU members within the supply chain.
It supports with building better fairer supply chain relationships through its understanding of the challenges for all in the supply chain.
Elwyn Griffiths
NFU Poultry Board member, Midlands
Since the 1980s, Elwyn and his brother Gareth have grown the business which today includes pullet rearing, egg production and a packing centre, as well as egg processing and production of added value cooked products.
Ewlyn’s priorities for the national poultry board include improving UK food policy and enabling farmers to produce food in an environmentally and economically sustainable way.
He also sees addressing challenges within the planning system as a key focus area.
Terry Jones
NFU Director General
Leaving FDF at the end of 2014, he took up the post of DG at the Provision Trade Federation (PTF) looking after the interests of businesses involved in the UK bacon and dairy trade.
Before working at FDF and PTF Terry worked for the NFU from 2002-2011 in a variety of roles including Head of Government Affairs, Head of Food Chain and Director of Communications.
Terry lives in Cheshire with his wife Emma and their two daughters.
Dr Zoe Leach OBE
NFU East Regional Director
Zoe’s passion is to ensure that members are properly represented and supported by the NFU, and in turn that they understand the significant benefits that being a member of such an incredible organisation brings.
Prior to joining the NFU, she worked for the National Pig Association from 2008 to 2022. She took on the role of Chief Executive Officer in 2014 and led the organisation through some very turbulent times.
This followed five years working in the Livestock Science Unit within Defra where she managed the research and development portfolio on livestock production.
Previous to that she ran a large pig rearing unit and trials facility for the integrated pig production company in Suffolk. She gained a PhD in outdoor sow management and welfare with Cambac JMR Research in 1998.
Zoe has been awarded the OBE in the first King’s Birthday honours list. She was granted the honour in recognition of her services to the pig industry.
Aimee Mahony
Chief adviser (poultry), National Farmers' Union
In 2019 Aimee was named the EPIC Young Poultry Person of the Year and eight months later was appointed NFU chief poultry adviser.
Aimee leads the NFU poultry team on a number of policy issues covering both the poultry meat and egg sectors and manages the national poultry board.
Christine Middlemiss CB
UK Chief Veterinary Officer, Defra
She has been instrumental in the government’s tireless efforts to manage the unprecedented ongoing outbreak of avian influenza in the UK.
Karen Morgan
Deputy Director, Department for International Trade
Karen’s previous roles included establishing DIT’s new Scotland team during 2021, leading the policy and secretariat work for the independent Trade and Agriculture Commission in 2020 -2021, and Covid supply chain roles in both Defra and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office during 2020.
Karen was the UK Government’s first overseas Agriculture Counsellor in the British Embassy Beijing from 2015-2018 and led the UK’s participation in the Beijing International Expo in 2019.
Prior to this she held a number of roles in Defra spanning environment, marine, water, international development and UN environmental governance.
James Mottershead
NFU Poultry Board chair, Midlands
James is a previous chair of the NFU Poultry Industry Programme and has always been passionate about ensuring the voice of younger members is well represented.
He is keen for the board to address issues surrounding labour shortages, resilience and supply chain fairness and believes these are some of the industry's main priorities.
Michael Oakes
NFU Dairy Board chair (2016-2024)
Milk is sold to Arla, with surplus heifers sold at calving.
Michael has held various roles within the NFU, as Worcestershire county chair, West Midlands regional board chair and council delegate. Michael has been on the NFU Dairy Board for nearly 14 years; two as vice chair and almost 8 as chair. He was re-elected to serve his fourth term as chair in March 2022.
Michael believes strongly in farmer collaboration, as well as improving the mechanics of the supply chainand is keen to improve relationships between farmers, processors and end users, whilst continuing to build consumer support for the industry.
Verity Richards
Dairy policy specialist, National Farmers' Union
She spent three years working for the British Agriculture Bureau as a European policy adviser in Brussels, representing the UK Farming Unions through the Brexit transition and helping to build new trading relationships with the EU.
Re-joining the NFU's dairy team in the summer of 2022, Verity works closely with the National Dairy Board on areas such as exports and trade, air quality, farmer representation and helps to manage supply chain relationships.
She studied political science at Exeter University and grew up on a mixed arable and livestock farm on the Herefordshire border.
Tim Rooke
NFU Potato Policy Group chair | NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board vice chair
He farms in partnership with his brother and has a mixture of tenanted and owned farms. He also grows wheat, oats, and oilseed rape.
Previously, he has been a member of United Potato Farmers Limited, a director of Alpha Group, and member of the AHDB potatoes marketing group.
The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP
Minister of State for Farming, Fisheries and Food (Defra)
He was previously Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons from February 2022 to September 2022, before which he was Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury (Chief Whip) between July 2019 and February 2022. He was elected Conservative MP for Sherwood in May 2010.
Before entering Parliament, Mark was Chairman of the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs as well as a District and County Councillor.
He studied at Shuttleworth Agricultural College before joining the family farm business, which now employs around 50 people. He is still a local farmer and businessman, growing the produce which is sold in the farm shop.
The Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer MP
Leader of HM Official Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party
In 2008 Keir was appointed Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and Head of the Crown Prosecution Service for England and Wales, a role he held until 2013. Keir studied law at Leeds University and St Edmund Hall, Oxford, and has published several books including Three Pillars of Liberty: Political Rights and Freedoms in the UK (1996) and European Human Rights Law (1999).
Keir was first elected as the MP for Holborn and St Pancras in 2015. He lives in the constituency with his wife and two children and is an avid Arsenal fan.
Paul Tompkins
NFU National Dairy Board chair
Not from a farming background, Paul worked in the financial sector before meeting his wife and joining the family dairy business.
Paul joined the National Dairy Board in 2017 as an appointee before being elected as the North East representative. He has served nearly four years as Vice chair in total.
Paul is enthusiastic about educating people of all ages about dairy farming and is keen to continue developing relationships with milk processors and other farmer representatives to ensure a joined-up industry approach to future farm policy.
Paul believes a fair and transparent supply chain is critical if dairy farmers are to meet the demands of a quickly changing society. He also works hard to ensure the dairy sector is represented throughout the supply chain and at government level so dairy farmers can make the most of future opportunities and have a bright and prosperous future.
Derek Wilkinson
NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board co-optee
He is Managing Director of Sandfields Farms Ltd (part of the G’s Group), growing over 1600ha of salads and vegetables for the major retailers, plus a West Africa farm business in Senegal which produces over 400 ha of winter salads for the UK and EU market.