
NFU Poultry Research Seminar 2025

07 March 2025, 10:00 – 15:00

NFU HQ, Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2LZ

Collage of poultry images with the NFU logo and member event text

The NFU's annual Poultry Research Seminar will return for its seventh year on 7 March 2025.

The in-person event, which will be held at NFU HQ, Stoneleigh, aims to bring members of the poultry sector together with academic researchers, innovative businesses, and representatives of the wider supply chain to share ideas and bridge the gap between academic research and practical on farm solutions.

The day will comprise of presentations from a number of speakers, followed by Q&A and networking sessions which will give attendees the opportunity to discuss some of the most pressing issues in both the poultry meat and egg sectors.

Please note that registration for this event has now closed.

What to expect

This year’s seminar will see a number of exciting speakers covering topics within the following three themes:

Theme 1: Emerging Topics Within Poultry Research

  • Dr Fiona Short, Innovation Lead- Animal Health & Nutrition, UK Agri Tech Centre, will be covering what the UK Agri-Tech Centre is and what it does following its formation in April last year, as well as introducing some of the poultry research projects they are currently undertaking.
  • Prof Emma Roe, University of Southampton, will be presenting on the TRI-SoMe Chicken research project which aims to forge a novel policy instrument of ethical principles for socio-economic transitions to UK food system resilience.
  • Simão Santos, MEng, is a researcher at KU Leuven’s Lammertyn Lab and NAMES Lab working alongside Dr. Matthias Corion. They are pioneering in-ovo sexing technologies to eliminate day-old chick culling. By combining optical and non-optical techniques, they aim to deliver industry-ready solutions. They have extensively reviewed scientific and patent literature, publishing a systematic review and co-authoring white papers advocating for an EU-wide ban on chick and duckling culling. In this presentation, Simão will share the latest updates on European legislation, newly implemented sexing techniques worldwide, and the future of in-ovo sexing.

Theme 2: Advances in Poultry Health and Welfare

  • Paniz Hosseini is a PhD student and research associate at the University of Cambridge, conducting research on AI (Avian Influenza) and biosecurity in the UK. She will be presenting research findings from the FluMap project, which focused on trying to understand farmers' use of biosecurity on poultry farms in relation to the UK avian influenza outbreaks.
  • David Brass, CEO The Lakes Free Range Eggs Co, and Carly Scott, FAI, will be discussing their latest collaboration, the FLOCKWISE project which aims to develop a sensor-embedded flock management system which detects health, welfare and productivity indicators using artificial intelligence to provide community-based learning to farmers and supply chain.

Theme 3: The Future of Poultry Feed and Nutrition

  • Dr Dylan Gwyn Jones, Aberystwyth University, will be presenting his group’s work on the potential use of duckweed as an alternative protein source in animal diets.
  • Ian Mackinson, National Monogastric Technical Manager Massey Feeds, will be giving an update on the current role of soya proteins within poultry diets and how he expects the role of soya within the sector to change in the coming years.
  • Dr Sylwia Sobolewska, Nuffield Scholar, will give a presentation setting out the learnings from her Nuffield Scholarship entitled “Feed Efficiency and Targeted Genetic Selection as the Key for Sustainable Performance and Profitability in Laying Hens”.

Who can attend?

Both NFU members and non-members who are actively involved within the poultry sector are welcome to attend.

Further details

  • Lunch will be available on the day. If you have any dietary requirements please let us know by emailing [email protected] with your requirements, name and membership number, if applicable.
  • This event will be photographed – by registering for this event you are consenting to the use of any images captured on the day.

Meet the speakers

David Brass

CEO, The Lakes Free Range Egg Co Ltd

Born and raised on a small family Lake District Dairy, beef and sheep farm, David graduated BSc Hons in Agriculture, Newcastle 1980.

He joined the RAF and was in the Royal Air Force for 10years where the day job was a Harrier pilot, before retiring back to the family farm in late 1989, which he and his wife Helen took over.

The farm has grown from 200 chickens and in 1996, David and Helen set up Lakes Free Range Egg Co Ltd to sell their eggs.

The ethos even way back in 1996 was ‘to sustainably supply only Free Range and Organic Free Range eggs produced to high welfare standards, top 10% of UK performance and leading edge innovation’.

There has been a constant stream of innovation and research in partnership with some of the UK’s leading research institutions.

The business has now grown to several egg-producing farming businesses, a pullet rearing operation rearing well over one million birds per year and the Lakes Free Range Egg Co Ltd which now turns over £100 million and packs half a billion eggs per year from contracted producers across the midlands northwards, including to Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Currently, for a relatively small company, we have several PhD researchers seconded on major research programmes into all aspects of chicken behaviour, innovation, nutrition and welfare.

David will be presenting alongside Carly Brass on the FLOCKWISE project Lakes Free Range Egg Co Ltd have been undertaking in collaboration with FAI Farms.

Dr Dylan Gwynn-Jones

Reader in the Biological Sciences, Aberystwyth University

Dr. Dylan Gwynn-Jones is a reader in the Biological Sciences at Aberystwyth University.

He researches how pollution and environmental stress impact upon plants and ecosystems.

Over the past decade he has focussed on agricultural systems and embracing the circular economy.

As part of this work he has developed systems focused on duckweed that have the capacity to clean aquatic systems, whilst at the same time producing valuable protein.

Paniz Hosseini

Research associate, University of Cambridge

Paniz Hosseini is a PhD student and research associate at the University of Cambridge, conducting research on AI (Avian Influenza) and biosecurity in the UK.

She will be presenting research findings from the FluMap project, which focused on trying to understand farmers' use of biosecurity on poultry farms in relation to the UK avian influenza outbreaks.

Ian Mackinson

Monogastric Technical Manager, Massey Feeds

Ian Mackinson has over 30 years’ experience as a poultry nutritionist working for premix companies in support of feed compounders, integrators and home-mixers.

He has worked with a diverse range of poultry businesses including broiler, layer, turkey and gamebirds.

In 2020 he joined Massey Feeds as Monogastric Technical Manager and works closely with the three feed mills within the group as well as supporting the sales team.

In his talk he is going to give an overview of new legislation that is going to affect soya and highlight the potential implications within the poultry supply chain.

Emma Roe

Lead Investigator and Social Scientist, University of Southampton

Professor Emma Roe is lead investigator and social scientist at the University of Southampton.

Emma will present the three-year UKRI/DEFRA funded research project, entitled “Towards Resilient Industrial Socio-Metabolic Relations of Chicken. (TRI-SoMe Chicken),” which started in the Autumn of 2024.

She will be accompanied by Prof Damian Maye (University of Gloucestershire), who leads the workstream studying the experiences of poultry farmers to disruptions, and Prof Justin Sheffield (University of Southampton), who is leading efforts to build a systems dynamic model of the poultry food system to explore scenarios and impacts on those often regarded as ‘externalities’.

The TRI SoMe Team brings together diverse expertise around food, crossing different disciplines, and including poultry industry stakeholders (Food Insecure Communities, UK Poultry Growers and Global Poultry Supply Chain Consultants).

Simão Santos

Researcher, KU Leuven’s Lammertyn Lab and NAMES Lab

Simão Santos, MEng, is a researcher at KU Leuven’s Lammertyn Lab and NAMES Lab working alongside Dr. Matthias Corion.

They are pioneering in-ovo sexing technologies to eliminate day-old chick culling.

By combining optical and non-optical techniques, they aim to deliver industry-ready solutions.

They have extensively reviewed scientific and patent literature, publishing a systematic review and co-authoring white papers advocating for an EU-wide ban on chick and duckling culling.

In this presentation, Simão will share the latest updates on European legislation, newly implemented sexing techniques worldwide, and the future of in-ovo sexing.

Carly Scott

Director, FAI Farms

Carly Scott is a director at FAI Farms with an interest in using data to better understand our food systems and enable better practice uptake.

Carly has a background in Genetics and has held diverse roles at FAI, supporting research projects in commercial and trials settings, managing strategic programmes with FAI’s industry partners, and guiding the development of FAI’s data platforms to support farming and supply chain insight.

Alongside Lakes Free Range Egg Co and partners Newcastle University and UK ATC, FAI were recently awarded an Innovate grant for FLOCKWISE, a 3-year project to spearhead the integration of real-time hen health and behaviour indicators for laying hens to address key flock challenges and improve performance and sustainability of egg production.

Dr Fiona Short

Innovation Lead (Animal Health & Nutrition), UK Agri-Tech Centre

Following a PhD in poultry nutrition from Nottingham University, Fiona has spent the majority of her career working in the animal health/welfare and nutrition industry primarily within the poultry area.

Fiona has over twenty years' research experience and a further seven in industry, with previous employers including ADAS, Anpario and Rumenco.

Within the UK Agri-Tech Centre, Fiona provides scientific insight and translation of technical research to support industry members and help ensure its impact is realised across the supply chain.

Fiona works closely with industry and academia to bring together consortiums focused on solving industry issues, particularly in the area of nutrition, health, welfare, and sustainability.

In this presentation, Fiona will be covering what the UK Agri-Tech Centre is and what it does following its formation in April last year, as well as introducing some of the poultry research projects they are currently undertaking.

Dr Sylwia Sobolewska

Commercial poultry nutritionist, Trouw Nutrition

Dr Sobolewska grew up in Poland and has always been passionate about animals.

She studied animal nutrition and then did a PhD in omega-3 and natural antioxidants added to feed.

She came to the UK in 2017 as a research assistant at Harper Adams University and for the last seven years has worked in an independent British manufacturer and international distributor of natural feed additives for animal health, nutrition, and biosecurity.

Now, she works as a commercial poultry nutritionist for Trouw Nutrition which is a global leader in innovative feed specialties, premixes and nutritional services for the animal nutrition industry.

Last year, she completed her Nuffield scholarship which was entitled ‘Feed Efficiency and Targeted Genetic Selection as the Key for Sustainable Performance and Profitability in Laying Hens’.

During her time as a scholar, she investigated whether feed efficiency and targeted genetic selection hold the key to performance and profitability in laying hens. She focused on feed additives, robotics and artificial intelligence, and genetic selection tools.

Event details
Start Date
07 March 2025 at 10:00
End Date
07 March 2025 at 15:00

NFU HQ, Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2LZ

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