
Emma Roe

Emma Roe

Lead Investigator and Social Scientist, University of Southampton

Professor Emma Roe is lead investigator and social scientist at the University of Southampton.

Emma will present the three-year UKRI/DEFRA funded research project, entitled “Towards Resilient Industrial Socio-Metabolic Relations of Chicken. (TRI-SoMe Chicken),” which started in the Autumn of 2024.

She will be accompanied by Prof Damian Maye (University of Gloucestershire), who leads the workstream studying the experiences of poultry farmers to disruptions, and Prof Justin Sheffield (University of Southampton), who is leading efforts to build a systems dynamic model of the poultry food system to explore scenarios and impacts on those often regarded as ‘externalities’.

The TRI SoMe Team brings together diverse expertise around food, crossing different disciplines, and including poultry industry stakeholders (Food Insecure Communities, UK Poultry Growers and Global Poultry Supply Chain Consultants).