
Membership eligibility: Farmer & Grower Partner Retired

CT Planning

CT Planning forms part of the NFU group of companies offering a range of planning services throughout England and Wales.

Services include:

  • Planning applications
  • Appeals
  • Enforcement
  • Lawful development certificates
  • Promotion of land through Development Plans
  • Site appraisals.

Rural planning projects include (but not limited to):

  • Establishing new farmsteads, poultry farms and dairy units
  • New agricultural worker dwellings
  • Lifting agricultural occupancy conditions
  • Rural Exception Sites for affordable housing
  • Change of use of land and buildings
  • Rural diversification.

CT Planning also offers you great savings

  • As part of your NFU membership you already have access to a team of planning experts at NFU CallFirst by calling 0370 845 8458. They will offer you initial advice and try to resolve your query.
  • If the NFU specialist adviser is unable to resolve your query, they may refer you to CT Planning, where you can benefit from a free, 20 minute discussion on planning matters directly relating to your farming or growing business and may advise on possible courses of action available.
  • Eligible NFU members can benefit from preferential rates.


CT Planning joined the NFU group of companies in December 2020. Established by Christopher Timothy in 1996 as an independent firm of chartered town planners, the firm is based in Lichfield, Staffordshire, and operates across England and Wales offering a comprehensive range of planning services across multiple sectors.

CT Planning’s skilled and experienced workforce combine local and national knowledge of the property, land and development industry to provide clients with the information they need to make their proposals successful. They understand the complexity of the planning system and have the patience and on-going research and learning it takes to keep up to date with the latest legal, policy and legislative advice to help clients with their schemes and planning issues; no matter the scale of development. 

CT Planning value all of their clients. From national housebuilders and commercial operators, to the smaller private builder or individual with bespoke planning issues that need to be resolved or delivered. The team strive to provide clear, professional and easy to understand advice.

The team

The skilled and experienced team comprises of seven planning consultants, supported by three administrators and an executive administrator. Most of the team have spent some part of their career working in local planning authorities, giving them an understanding of the political, administrative and general dynamic of a local government planning office. Each understands the delicate balance of maintaining a professional relationship with planning officers while securing the best outcome in a timely manner for clients.  

CT Planning cover a wide spectrum of planning, including major housing and commercial/employment developments, land promotion, farm diversification projects and general agricultural related development, rural housing and employment, leisure and tourism developments, heritage projects, householder projects, private and affordable housing schemes, Green Belt developments and enforcement matters. 

The team can assist in understanding the increasingly complex world of permitted development which ranges from householder projects to changes of use. They also have experience in planning and enforcement appeals through all procedures and are able to provide instructions to Counsel on their clients' behalf.

Chris Timothy – Managing Director
Louise Hinsley – Director
Philippa Kreuser –Environmental Planner
James Lloyd – Senior Planner
Andrew Brough – Principal Planner
Will Varley – Apprentice Town Planner

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