Exchequer Secretary James Murray has asked to meet with the NFU, TFA (Tenant Farmers Association), CLA (Country Land and Business Association) and CAAV (Central Association of Agricultural Valuers). This will be followed by another meeting with NFU Cymru, NFU Scotland and UFU (Ulster Farmers’ Union).
The NFU, NFU Cymru, NFU Scotland, CLA, TFA and CAAV, which represent and advise agricultural businesses right across the UK, have the same message for ministers: We must find a way forward together which is fair, removes the huge risk to British agriculture, including significant emotional and financial pressures, and delivers for UK food security, something the government continues to insist is a priority.
Collectively, these organisations will be discussing potential solutions with Mr Murray. More information on these proposals will be available after the meeting.
In a joint statement, the leaders of these organisations said: “Across every part of agriculture and its associated industries, and across every part of the UK, the message to the Treasury is the same – work with us to find solutions. Be prepared to listen not only to the UK’s farmers and growers, but also to food retailers and other companies in the food supply chain who have all said there must be a change to this policy.
“We come tomorrow to discuss proposals for change which we think can help us move forward together in protecting British farming, British family-run farm businesses and, crucially, British food.”