More than a million people #BackBritishFarming during January

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Our #BackBritishFarming New Year's resolution calendar was designed to help people learn more about the benefits of eating a balanced diet of British meat and seasonal fruit and vegetables while also enjoying the farmed environment responsibly.

Since 31 December, when we launched our New Year resolution campaign, more than 1.4 million people have seen a positive British farming social media post. This has translated into 49,000 likes and 12,000 shares and retweets.

On Facebook, the NFU’s best post in January (below) saw nearly 2,000 people like it and a further 2,000 people share it.

Make a New Year's resolution that matters in 2021 ?????? Sign up to find out how

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During January we've also landed:

We’ll also have content in Country Life, Farmers Weekly and The House, which is delivered to all MPs and peers.

If you are proud of British food and farming you can get involved today by sharing our industry's brilliant story. Here are some simple things you can do now:

♦ Click here for our new range of infographics which you can download to use in your posts for Facebook and Twitter

♦ Click here for our interactive calendar encouraging the public to take the Back British Farming New Year's resolution and take simple actions every day in January

Share your positive farming stories using the #BackBritishFarming hashtag on social media. Click on the links below to see examples of how we're using our social media channels to encourage the public to take the Back British Farming New Year's resolution and take simple actions every day in January.

Here are some ideas you could use in your social media posts:

  • "I am proud to produce climate-friendly food. When you buy British produce, you're supporting farmers like me who are committed to reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040." 
  • "I am proud to keep the nation fed with high quality produce. When you eat a balanced, seasonal diet made up of all the different food groups, you nourish your body with the nutrients and minerals that our bodies need at that time of year."
  • "I care about my animals, that’s why I am proud to rear my animals to some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world."
  • "When you buy British, you’re supporting the 3.8 million people who are employed by the food and farming sector, from farmers in the field like me to the restaurants and pubs who sell our food."
  • "Alongside producing food, I’m proud to protect and enhance the beautiful British countryside by maintaining habitats, looking after footpaths and much more."

Download and share our infographics

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The #BackBritishFarming New Year's resolution

We're asking members of the public to do one simple thing to back British farming each day this January.
of campaign actions as a PDF that you can share.

31 ways to Back British Farming in January new_76502

More information and resources

Click on the links below for more information and resources. You may be asked to log in to access some of the pages. If you need any help, then click on this link to reset your password.

Social media and how to shoot the perfect video

If you need help on social media or taking videos to share on social media then get some .




Climate-friendly farming and net zero

Bovine TB

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How to lobby your MP

How to complain to the media

  • Our guide sets out how people can register official complaints with broadcasters and newspapers on items or articles which they believe are misleading, factually incorrect or are examples of unbalanced reporting - download it here.
  • This letter is a great example (9 November, 2020). It was written in response to an article in The Guardian about health professions' call for a climate tax to be imposed on food with 'a heavy environmental impact', NFU livestock and dairy board chairmen Richard Findlay and Michael Oakes wrote to the paper explaining why this would be a regressive approach.

How the NFU communicates positive farming stories to the public

  • There are over half a million subscribers to our Back British Farming newsletter – 
  •  is our public-facing website. Why not share the following information pages via your social media accounts?

Get the latest NFU news on your phone or tablet with the NFU App - free and exclusively for NFU members. Don't forget to allow notifications so we can keep you up to date on the go. 

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